SaCa Stats
Built with Elixir, Phoenix, PostgreSQL + Ecto, Daybreak Games Census API and Event Streaming Service (Websockets), Digital OceanI had wanted to rewrite my first large bot project, C.A.I. Bot, very soon after beginning to learn Elixir. After working on a version 2.0 for a few months, I realized I actually wanted to work on a fresh project - but still something that used Daybreak Game's extensive Census API and Event Streaming Service (ESS). I ended up asking a friend and fellow developer to build such a project, and hence came SaCa Stats.
We named it after his outfit/guild in-game, as the original project scope was for the two dozen or so active members of our gaming group. However, with the abundance and ease-of-collection of game data through the ESS, we set our sights a bit higher. The goal for SaCa Stats is to be among the many PlanetSide 2 community stat sites of choice, while being faster to navigate and find the stats you want.
The main tech stack is Elixir, Phoenix, and PostgreSQL + Ecto.