
C.A.I. Bot

Built with Node.JS, MySQL, Discord.JS + Discord Developer API, DBG Census API/Event Streaming

This bot serves PlanetSide 2 game data to Discord users using the Daybreak Games Census API and Event Streaming Service. The bot offers users a variety of commands to:

- Query character, outfit (guild/clan), weapon, and server stats.
- Subscribe to events and receive notifications when they go live in-game.
- Send a message that updates with server events & population changes.
- View a player's latest session stats.

This bot was programmed in Node.JS, using Discord.JS to interact with Discord and the DBG Census API to retrieve the in-game data. The program also listens to messages via websocket from the game servers for live updates on players and server states, storing relavent information in a MySQL Database. It processes ~22,000 in-game messages over the websocket at peak play times.

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